Our History.

Momenta is a not-for-profit business with over 45 years’ experience supporting people with lived experience of disability.

Icon representing the beginning of Momenta in 1975 with building, hammer and saw to represent how Momenta was founded.


In 1976, local Rotarians founded Equality BOP, through which people with disabilities were employed to build wooden trays for the burgeoning local kiwifruit industry. Avalon, as it came to be known, grew in to a bustling series of workshops on a rural Te Puna property.

Icon representing Avalon training centre with house like building as the training centre, clouds and the sun.


In 1985 a rural property at Gill Lane,Te Puna was purchased and the organisation took on the name of the orchard which was Avalon. The Avalon Training Center was established along with a sheltered workshop which over time transitioned in to a day service in response to Government contracts with the Ministries of Health and Social Development.

Icon representing the changing approach to disability. Representing people with disabilities and their desire to do more than a respite programme. Icon with lady and man, heart symbol, hammer and saw symbol, hand shaking symbol, briefcase symbol.


However, in the 2000s, the Health and Disability sector began to recognise that people with different abilities wanted and deserved more from life than a daily respite programme.

Icon representing Avalon services and the redesign of these. Symbols representing the outlines of faces, hammer, saw, hand shaking, heart, briefcase.


An intensive financial and service review resulted in a complete redesign of our service model to align with:

  • Expressed demands by those with disability to have services respond to their individual requirements.
  • Government strategies namely, Enabling Good Lives Principals, Community Inclusion and Participation and the necessity to report on tangible outcomes for individuals.
  • United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with a disability.

Icon representing a change in services offered by Momenta. Symbols include people, mountain, buildings, trees, sun and clouds. The change in location is highlighted in the icon as well.


The workshops closed in 2015, and Avalon completed an extensive change in management process, that resulted in the service being re-established and relocated in Tauranga central. Avalon’s service model focuses on supporting disadvantaged people, who encounter barriers to inclusion, to live a life of value within their community.

Icon symbol representing hand shaking and partnership.


In 2020, with an entirely new focus, Avalon was renamed Momenta. Standing on the shoulders of those community-minded locals from the 1970s, we play our part in shaping our community so that all people belong, are valued and thrive.

Icon representing change in services since rebranding to Momenta. Images of an S shaped arrow pointing to Momenta logo; a microscope with the outline of people branching off, a speech bubble and clipboard.


With the shift to Momenta, came a revitalization of our services, introducing innovative coaching and connecting programmes. Reflecting on our history and what we hope to achieve in the future, came the need to reconsider who we are, our values and purpose.