Everyday life can be challenging to navigate for people with lived experience of disability. But
Momenta’s work aims to change that. Through their coaching and connecting programmes,
Momenta helps individuals discover their passions and dreams while overcoming challenges
that come with their disabilities. Nicky's story shows how Momenta's work can truly change
Nicky joined Momenta in September 2022 and participated in the Discovery programme with Life
Coach Beena. Nicky has an intellectual disability but is able to live on her own and can use
public transportation. She has worked in different roles but had to stop due to injuries and recent
knee replacement surgery. The 26-topic programme helped Nicky look at her life from different
angles and set new goals. Nicky figured out what a good life meant for her through the
Before Nicky joined Momenta, she was often sad or angry and didn't feel good. But working with
Beena through the Discovery programme, she's become more positive and happy, has learned
to manage her emotions better, and now has new goals for her future.
After finishing the Discovery Programme, Nicky is now working through Momenta’s Forward,
Together programme, where Nicky will become involved in the community through volunteer
roles. This helps her connect with the community in preparation for part-time work.
Nicky's story isn't just about her. It's about her relationships, too. She's become better at
understanding and talking with her family and seeking support for her mental health. Momenta’s
programmes have encouraged positive change for Nicky, helping her discover more about
herself, identify what’s important and put goals and plans in place.
But Momenta's work continues beyond individuals like Nicky. Momenta has stepped forward to
lead The Accessible City Interest Group - facilitating discussions and creating a space where
the Council listens to the community rather than directing the conversations.
This group advises on projects and programs, discusses important issues in the disability sector,
and ensures that the voices of disabled people are heard when the city makes plans. They also
help with strategies and policies, ensuring everyone's needs are considered.
In short, Nicky's journey reflects what Momenta Charitable Trust is all about: helping people
uncover who they are, their purpose, and what makes them unique and identifying goals so they
can go after a life they love. From personal growth to community involvement, Momenta's work
creates positive changes that reach far and wide.